
Upcycling is an absolute trend in the fashion world today.
Upcycling is an absolute trend in the fashion world today.
Upcycling is an absolute trend in the fashion world today.
In 2018, the fashion industry generated 92 million tons of waste, or 4% of all rubbish on the planet. Almost the same as producers of cement (5%) or manure (5.4%). Not the most pleasant comparison, right? But unlike the dung industry, fashion producers can turn their waste into gold. This titanic shift has already begun and its name is upcycling. Once upcycling was used due to a shortage of clothing, Today – because of its excess ...

Upcycling collection
"Recycle Your Life"

As a result, hundreds of tons of fabrics and vintage clothing have the chance for a second life instead of a direct road to a landfill.
Every year the world produces 150 billion pieces of clothing.
Every year the world produces 150 billion pieces of clothing.
Every year the world produces 150 billion pieces of clothing.
People use only 80 billion of it. The rest are immediately thrown into a landfill. For that very reason , fashion production is ranked the second most polluting industry in the world. Every year it inflicts more damage to ecology than transportation, energy and food production. This amount of clothes is enough to alter them into a new design, giving it "the second life", instead of throwing it out or burning.
We bought old-fashioned used clothing in the second-hand shops and in sales stores at a very low price and transformed them into trendy outfits. So we gave a new life cycle to the old garments.v We bought old-fashioned used clothing in the second-hand shops and in sales stores at a very low price and transformed them into trendy outfits. So we gave a new life cycle to the old garments.v When you don’t care about things so much, but pay attention to important ones. What are your values? You decide for yourself.
This collection also calls for gender equality. Unisex outfits are created to be worn by personalities, no matter what sex they are. Genderless clothing becomes a marker of modern society. People want to get away from imposed stereotypes.
We stand for individuality. We stand for self-expression. For a careful attitude towards nature. We stand for the reduction of carbon footprints. We stand for Recycling and the principle of Zero Waste! We stand for gender equality. We stand against discrimination in any way. We stand for freedom!
This collection also calls for gender equality. Unisex outfits are created to be worn by personalities, no matter what sex they are. Genderless clothing becomes a marker of modern society. People want to get away from imposed stereotypes.
We stand for individuality. We stand for self-expression. For a careful attitude towards nature. We stand for the reduction of carbon footprints. We stand for Recycling and the principle of Zero Waste! We stand for gender equality. We stand against discrimination in any way. We stand for freedom!
full collection